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Wednesday, 9 November 2016

How To Cope Better With The Dilemma of Recession Vs. Reduced Income

Dear embittered citizen!
Only a stranger to the currents of untold economic hardship caused by recession will attempt to deny the pains felt by embittered citizens who are directly impacted by the incisive bite of recession today!
Are You Not Earning Reduced Income Like other Income Earners?  
If you are a worker in a regular job during recession, then you are earning reduced income like every other income earner feeling the pain of the bite of recession and it is certain that you too are trying to wipe your brows even now, because recession has forced you to put in extra hours of work in order to add something extra to your reduced income, hence working harder than usual.  
I also feel the pain you are enduring right now because I was once in your shoes until I decided to quit my my regular job for something that might be less frustrating! Now things are different with me. I'm no longer feeling frustrated as I felt back in March when I still had my job as Marketing Manager of an Oil and Gas Training Firm in Port Harcourt, owned by a senior staff of the International Oil Company, NAOC.
I resigned from this job because my income was reduced and I was owed for two months when the recession began to hit hard at the bottom line of the oil industry. 
I was able to resign because I had known something about working for myself though I did not have my own business yet, so I started focusing on my own skills in order to earn residual income which was by far better than enduring or managing any reduced income from a regular job. I couldn't accept half salary.
My resignation has led me to the fortune of earning residual income which helped me pay my bills and stay out of debt, because I am now able to tell the difference between my quality of life now while  earning residual income; from my quality of life back then when I depended on regular income. 
I will tell you why these two types of income are different, and how you too can switch off from depending on regular job or managing reduced income during recession like I did.
But before my switch has begun to favor me, seven long months have gone bye when I stayed without earning regular income, yet I did not die in those perilous times. Staying out of a regular job for seven months has not killed me. The recession has continued to worsen yet my condition has not worsen in the recession.
I can boldly say my condition is even better than before because I can now boast of being a real man as my marriage plans are now almost complete because I now know how to earn residual income to help me foot more expensive bills than before when my residual bills accumulated even with regular income.

Regular Income Cannot Pay off Residual Bills; Debt Is Inevitable!
My boss could not pay me my salary when due. Two months salary was owed before I resigned and even as I write this memoir, that has not been paid yet, almost 7 months already!
Two of my colleagues in the same office also owed me a debt that none of them have been able to pay back, for the past seven months, even with the regular income they've been earning all those months.
The reason they could not pay back, after so long, is because they accepted to manage reduced income, while I decided to quit the job because I preferred residual income to reduced income.
On Nov.7 I paid a visit to my debtors at the office to see how they were coping with the dilemma of recession vs. reduced income, and when I saw their conditions I did not have the courage to ask for my debt to be paid back yet. Instead, I pretended I came just to share some few ideas with them, especially to tell them how I am earning residual income without a regular job.
My former colleagues were not just happy to see me but thanked me for not reminding them of the debts they owed me, and I left them back where and how I met them; when it was already 5.00 pm, then I went my way. 
The truth is that I now have enough time to visit friends than I had before, yet I earn some money each time I tell a friend about my source of income, and especially if they agree to join me. Thanks to residual income, I have now become a true friend to my friends because I visit them more often than before.  

Earning Residual Income Makes You More Available and Capable of Helping Your Friends In Need
During one of my discussions with my fiancee, while trying to resolve a small loggerhead between us, she mentioned that "A friend in need is a friend in deed" and that makes more sense to me now that I am able to attend to her needs than I could do before; when I was earning regular income. 
Now let me share with you some of the differences you should note about residual income in comparison with regular income. See the table below:
Residual Income
Regular Income
Income grows exponentially
income grows linear
income can grow indefinitely
income stops if you stop working
Master of wealth creation
Victim of income chasing
True Financial independence
Financially dependent on a job
Time Freedom is achieved
Not enough Time to enjoy your income
Income continues to be created
trading time with money
It is a way of making money while not actively working
You work hard at a job before you make a dime a day
You don't wait until month end to cash your earning and you can keep earning different amounts independent of any pay scheme
Income is tied to periodic pay scheme which can be affected by external factors to reduce than grow

*Just take a look at where I am now, as a residual income earner, and compare me with my former colleagues, as regular income earners. Whose life do you think will develop better and quicker if recession continues for another year? 

It is very obvious from the comparative analysis of residual income and regular income that my life will become better than it is now, if recession continues for another year, because I earn residual income; but my colleagues may become worse, if recession continues for another year; because they will earn even more reduced income. 
Recession may be just beginning to bite the very economy we both hope to get better and if that is the case, then imagine how more embittered the other citizens will become who are also earning reduced income already. Are you one of them?
You have known the secret they don't know about coping better with the dilemma of recession vs. reduced income, so if recession makes others go hungry, you will have food to eat and share with others, all through recession, if you know how to apply this secret you have known. 
Tell Your Self The Truth about How You Are Coping With Recession! 

How are you coping in the current recession? If you are currently not coping fine, there is only one reason for that, you are not yet earning residual income like me. But you know that the condition won't get better if you continue managing reduced income from a regular job. Then what will you do about the current situation?

You might be eager to know what I do to earn residual income and if you can do what I do. The  answer is yes! I will let you know what I do to earn residual income.
But wait a minute, I didn't tell you that I started earning residual income as soon as I resigned from my regular job. No! It took me over six months to discover the three ways I now earn residual income; which I will not like to hide from you and others. 
And because it pains me to see anyone suffer in a time of recession like this, I have decided to make these three ways common knowledge by sharing it in a blog article. And so, if you will want to know what they are, then you don't have anything to keep doing now in this memoir, stop right here and just click on the title of the article below to learn about them.

To your Success!
Francis Bestman Isugu
Residual Income Earners Success Coach.
P.S> Though I have been without a job for over seven months, I have been able to boycott a life of frustration by not depending on regular income. I saw a better way to life when I focused on earning residual income. You too can start living a better life when you move away from depending on your regular job. If you want to know the three things I did to start earning residual income, you are not far from knowing my secret. The answer to your question is right here.  
This is a message shared for the benefit of people who believe to change is better. Promoted by BSCS INC SETNET Team. Follow us on Facebook @ SET4SuccessNetwork!

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