Get “a 1000% guarantee that you will be funded above your expectations” with No
Stringent Attached, No Morale Limiting Terms and No Dispiriting or Hope
Undermining Conditions.
Need for Loan & Credit Cards Again, With The
New HFF Platform,
You Can Access Finance; Solve Your Financial Challenges and Enjoy Financial
Fulfillment Without Paying Back Funds Received, No Delay, No Deadline.

“We can never give up longing and wishing while
we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and
good and we must hunger after them.”Now
that you are on the same page with me, there is one more saying you should
note, and that is “Don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement
of winning.”
The reason is because, as it is said, “it doesn’t matter where you
are coming from. All that matters is where you are going.” Now let’s go to
somewhere better for you to begin a new life of meaning, impact and
significance because you are sure to...
Get Hopeful of Getting Funding

was to pay back monthly installments without default in 60 equal parts and among
the over 47 international lenders I previously contacted via email, the least percentage
of interest rates I found ranged from 2%, 3%, 4,5 etc. as the case may be. But
the decision I took to look away from the lenders allowed me to notice my other
alternatives to getting funding, and since I was willing to change my focus I
could move toward achieving more positive results without being indebted to any
people are not able to have a rethink or change of choice, and feel they cannot
let go, and that is what sets them back from progress as it said, “change is
hard because people overestimate the value of what they have and underestimate
the value of what they may gain by giving that up.” Are you like those who
can’t give up what currently keeps you comfortable? Remember, “A comfort zone
is a pleasurable place but nothing good grows there.” So the sooner you focus
on change, the faster you achieve better results. If you want to access finance
to fund your dream and projects, I’m showing you…
Something Better Than Traditional Loan
have tried crowdfunding five of my project ideas using three crowdfunding
platforms including Kickstarter and GofundMe
where I started. And, in fact, as I write this post, one of my campaigns is
still active on Indiegogo, click to see it, but none was able to raise a
penny in the past until now. I think marketing default caused it, or maybe
people didn’t believe in my ideas; yet I kept pitching them on & on. Each
time I try crowdfunding a new idea, I fail to get funding, yet I didn’t give
up, until I looked away.

The Better Dimension of the Funding Concept behind Crowdfunding and Loan
funding is a better dimension of the funding concept behind crowdfunding and
loan. It truly beats crowdfunding and loan as fund sources, and as new
platforms for P2P funding are evolving, the process of getting funding is
becoming more flexible and creatively easier; more interesting and fun as well.

The Best Way to Get Funded Today Is With an HFF Upgraded Account
call the latest funding platform that beats all other P2P funding platforms my “Hope Fulfilling Funding Platform (HFF)”. It is a P2P Funding Platform
with a difference and what it takes to get funded here is a good plan of the
- Who you want to fund you…
- How you want to invite people to fund you…
- How much you want to be funded equally by each of those you invite…
- How many of those you invite do you want to fund you?

Everything You Need To Know About THE HFF Platform
name of the platform connotes that you can keep your fears behind you and start
walking on the pathway of hope for your funding dreams to be fulfilled. “HFF”,
as I choose to call it here, is packed with benefits for everyone everywhere.

Isn’t this just easy and fun?

How to join the “HFF” Platform to Get Funded Today

so easy that you are inviting a certain number of persons to the platform
because you want them to get funded, but for them to be funded, they must fund
someone first; and that someone to be funded by those you have invited is the
person who invited them to the platform – you – their up line.
spells control on the “HFF” platform for all users. And once funded,
unlike other P2P funding platforms like Zidisha, you don’t have to pay back the
money you are funded on the “HFF” Platform. Even if you get 10 down lines
today, whatever they fund you is yours for life. So you are not indebted to
those who fund you.
good thing is that you don’t pay the platform any fee for using it. It is just
like you own the platform. Invite people to the platform via any media and you
receive all the money they pay on the platform when upgrading for life.

How Long Will You Continue Benefiting from the different grades of membership on the HFF Platform?
is no timeline limiting how long you enjoy the benefits of upgrading on the “HFF” platform.
Insofar as you are upgraded to the first grade to prevent your free account
from being closed, when it expires in less than 80 hours from the time you opened
it, you will enjoy the benefits of being on the platform for life.

one sets targets for you to meet as a criterion for growing or getting higher
funds. You work to grow your down line whenever you meet someone in need of
fund. Just apply this simple growth
strategy: whenever you meet someone who says they need finance, tell them you
know where they can get funded. Give them the explanation about the different
grades and benefits then a link will help them get to start on the HFF platform.
That is all. Your down line keeps growing and you too keep getting funded.
are not under any pressure or tension about the funds you are getting. There is
no default to fear about late actions you take to upgrade your membership and
there is also no penalty for not upgrading to a higher grade after the first.
You are free to do as you deem feet according to your need of finance.
The Cost and Benefits of Each Grade of Membership on the HFF Platform
wanted to be sure this platform doesn’t set or ask you for any upfront fee as
one registering for financial support. There are no risks in trying it now. There
are no registration fees, and you got yourself in luck because if you want to
test whether the platform is genuine or not, you don’t have to make any
commitment by not upgrading, just create your account and let it just expire
after 3 days, no penalties. But if you need fund, then register for free today
and then upgrade before your free account expires.
is set on every free account because there is no other activity you do on the
platform unless you upgrade to a grade that suits you. The free period of
account initial setup allows you the freedom to explore the risk-free “HFF” platform
to see if this is where you can call your “last-point-of-rest for funding”. If
you think it is not, then you’re just very free to walk away after using the
account for 3 days.
grade you choose has a cost you know upfront before deciding for it. If you
think you are not ready for the cost, just let your account expire. There’s no
exit encumbrance. When you are ready to meet the cost, you come back and open
your account again, then upgrade by making a deposit to your up line.
complete detail of cost and benefit will be given in a moment, but before that,
rest assured that you will receive a multiple of the amount you spend for all
the levels you upgrade to, it will overbeat your expectations, and there is a
higher expectation for a higher grade you get to, so keep upgrading and growing
your down line to keep receiving more funds on the HFF platform.

The Size of Each Grade’s Benefits
following details will surprise you, and after you see the details, you will be
left with a few predictable thoughts like, “Why am I wasting time? Why hadn’t I
found this platform long ago? Why didn’t I know of this before now? What am I
still waiting for?” but nothing to worry about, really? Yes!
not too late to get your hopes fulfilled. As soon as you are done seeing the
following details, you will have no other option but to take action by choosing
to join the HFF platform now that there are many people
who will be willing to join your down line because they need to get funded to
overcome the oppressive forces of economic repression.

funding has never been easier. Just keep sharing this message to others in need
and share your referral link with it, after you have seen the details below,
and remember that if you register today, your account will remain free for
three days before expiring unless you upgrade your membership on the HFF Platform.
Now the Details…
HFF Platform
is a member to member donation platform used to better the lives of its
members. It's basically crowdfunding.
Registration is free for only three
days, but before your free member account expires, you will be expected to
upgrade from any part of the world you are and choose a currency that matches
your local currency to make a donation.
But for ease of those in Nigeria
reading this section, the following details have been presented in the Naira
currency and may be converted to other currencies for others to know their
equivalent as the case may be; and so when upgrading, you are expected to pay N7400 to enter grade one:
- At grade one you
can receive
N7400 donation from 5 persons Max totalingN37000. Then you upgrade to 2... - At grade 2 you will be making a
donation of
N14800 and this will enable you receive sameN14800 donations from 25people totalingN370000. At this point you are expected to upgrade to 3... - At grade 3 you will be making a
donation of
N29600 which enables you receive donations of sameN29600 from 125 totalingN3.7m. Then you upgrade to 4... - At Grade 4 you donate
N44 400 and receive same donation from 625 persons totalingN27m... - At Grade 5 you donate
N74000 and receive same donation from 3125 persons totalingN231m... - At Grade 6 you donate
N111000 and receive same donation from 15625 persons totalingN1.7bn... - At Grade 7 you donate
N148000 and receive same donation from 78125 persons totalingN11bn... - At Grade 8 you donate
N296000 and receive same donation from 390625 persons totalingN115bn... - At Grade 9 you donate
N432900 and receive same donation from 1953125 persons totalingN845bn... - Lastly at grade 10 you donate
N617900 and receive same donations from 9765625 persons totalingN6 trillion.
...all you have to know here are
your first 5 who has N 7400 to donate forget
about the rest. do not have to wait till you
completely earn the total from a grade before moving to the next, you can enter
a higher grade e.g. grade 5 and still be receiving pending donations from lower
levels e.g. from grade 1,2,3 4 while you have started receiving donations of
the stage you are in, grade 5. are never forced to upgrade
but if you don't upgrade you can't receive donations from that level

If you are now ready to get started then
you have got an overload of information already, don’t waste another minute if
you want to start receiving funding now, to create a free, and upgrade in less
than three days, to use this fair financial system where you and I will help
each other by donating, just get to the registration page here.
Bestman Isugu
P.S. You know how many billions of
persons are in this world yet your personal network doesn’t ever exceed 50
million persons. Now, imagine you send this message to only 2% of people on
your personal network, at grade 10; you will never borrow again in your life.
So don’t be afraid of starting. Start tapping your personal network by freely
sharing this information with them. Use social media messages now.
by sharing to your Facebook and WatsApp contacts, and you will be able to get
1000 interested persons, and that means you can quickly upgrade to grade 4 to
be sure you will receive N 27 million from only 625 persons
among your contacts and you can still convert the others into donors for the
next grade. Start today, register here and upgrade before three days to
eliminate debt and bad credit history today.
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