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Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Set to Earn the Highest Residual Income on 3 Platforms Today

In Times of Recession It Is Residual Income You Need Not Reduced Income

Your 3 Best Platforms to Earn the Highest Residual Income with the Easiest Commitment to Start Today

It's another great day!

Do you know how to share your thoughts with others?
There are three ways doing so can help you earn good residual income and I will share three of these ways with you in this article.
But before I do so I will demand to know how committed you can be right now.

1. The Career Pushing Platform CPP

I call the first platform Career Pushing Platform CPP because it has the prospect of taking you to your high financial point of confidence, but you must first make a commitment and that is by registering with $50 and inviting only two persons who will also be committed like you.

You won't make any other payment after your first registration fee has been paid as a onetime life membership fee and you won't have to invite another two persons after your first two committed persons have been invited to start building your down line; but you will keep earning money and gifts as your down line keeps growing on this platform and that is when the magic happens and you earn residual income for life.

I am on this first platform too and you can join with my own personal link and that would make you my down line so that I will be your personal success coach.

Who Am I?

I have the honor to be introduced as the author of three philosophical classics published and printed in USA by Xlibris Publishing LLC in 2014, I am a sales career success coach with a background in Financial Copywriting learnt from the American Writers & Artists Inc and; I have published several other works for business development and entrepreneurship in 2015 and 2016 respectively.

I am a business development and marketing content strategist, a freelance writer and blogger. I have recently set up Sales career coaching network known as Set-for-Success Network with a Facebook page and I am also growing a startup financial technology development team known as BSCS Inc SETNET Team. I currently finished writing a special report for sales career coaching and I will let you download and review it if you would want to make a contribution before it is published. You can Download it here.

Back To The CPP Platform...

If you think this is the platform you will love to join for residual income like I am also earning, then say so and I will give you the kick in the teeth for you to register and on it as the best thing in the world for you that you might not realize until you get a feel of it and you will have to promise me to share your testimony with me when have confirmed that it is really as good as I said it is.

To get this my kick for you to register on the CPP platform click here: Or you may be a lover of details like me, then let me refer you to where you will see how the CPP platform compares with other similar platform. So to learn more about the benefits of joining the CPP Platform read What Makes the CPP Platform the World's Cheapest Residual Income Earning Platform For Professional Sales People.

If however you don't like the idea of the first platform then you may consider the second platform.

2. The Hope Fulfilling Funding Platform "HFF"

For the second platform, you have a very big commitment to make but that shouldn't scare you.

In fact, if you make the required commitment on the second platform, you will be taken to the highest financial point of security that you didn't imagine possible in a short time.

I joined this platform because I saw that it was too good to be true; but when I confirmed it was really so true, I decided to call it Hope Fulfilling Funding platform "HFF" and wrote a blog post about it.

This HFF platform makes me smile as always as I am now seen to be very cheerful because money keeps coming from all corners more than I ever expected or thought.

You can see what it looks like when you create a free HFF platform account which expires in 3 days if not upgraded, so to make your account stay active you will upgrade your account with the minimum amount of $20 paid to the account detail of your up line.

And that's not all.
I still have more to add.

But wait a minute...

I feel there is something more you should know about me again and that is the fact that I love sharing opportunities which I discover after others must have created them; moreover, I don't fail in researching new opportunities and my track records show that I don't share something I haven't tried and had proven evidence of with firsthand experience of it.

In the same way, when I discovered the HFF platform, I knew experience was the best teacher, so I didn't go asking too many questions about it, all I did was to try it out myself and so I took the risk of creating my own HFF account to observe the platform on the first day. 

And, seeing that there was no risk on the platform as there was nothing to lose on it, on the second day, I made payments to activate my account in order to keep using it to know how well it works, and in fact, I am happy I found this very platform.

Now Kindly Proceed to Starting on the HFF Platform Yourself!

You might want to get in by making a choice between the first platform discussed earlier and this second platform; but get to know them well first and then respond as desired.

If you feel like choosing the HFF platform, then you should know also that your up line receives the payment for your upgrade and confirms it after you must have sent a notification of payment to your up line, just after paying for upgrade, on the platform.

Once that is done your referral link will be automatically activated; so whenever you tell someone about joining the platform in the form of an invitation or a testimonial, and if the person signs up through your link, you automatically become the new up line to the referral.

It will also be candid to emphasize at once that any number of referrals you bring to join the HFF platform will pay their upgrade fees to you; and, you know what? Any upgrade fee paid to you is yours and you don't share it with anyone not even with the platform!

What a cool way to earn residual income!

You know the best part? The best part is that you receive the payment directly in your registered bank account not in any e-wallet, so you can start spending the money as soon as you get a payment alert.

The higher the grade of your membership on the HFF platform the higher the payment you keep receiving from your down lines, as they also upgrade their membership.

Remember too that you don't have to make any other payment unless you want to upgrade to a higher grade on this ample residual income earning platform.

No matter how many your down lines are, all their payments are made to fund your account and that is how you are sure of getting continuous funding as you grow your down lines by helping them upgrade easily.

Now if you think you want to be on this second platform you are invited to be my down line at once, knowing that I will coach you to succeed to grow your own down lines.

So, once you join my down lines, when you create your HFF platform member account, I will coach you on how to concentrate on growing your down lines as you upgrade your membership in less than 80 hours to start earning residual income on the HFF platform.

All you need to do now is to show interest by a single click here to create your "HFF" platform member account. Or you may want to see all the details on the benefits of the HFF Platform first, then feel free to read to the end this entire piece dedicated to explaining the HFF platform in the dimension of How To Eliminate Debts & Bad Credit Today.

Nonetheless, if for any reason you also feel the second platform is not for you then maybe the third platform will be that made-4-you platform you have been hoping for.

3. The Super Motivating Mover "SMM" Platform

I joined the third platform because I wanted to do something that could pay me at least $15 every hour and I discovered that without taking my regular freelance writing jobs I could settle for a very easy platform where I could take only a few research questions and get paid for my words. It was then I discovered I had found the third platform which I called the Super Motivating Mover "SMM" platform.

You will receive my own personal recommendation to try this platform, if you also want a residual income that comes like a pay for your use of few words per hour on the SMM platform so you can register to start earning residual income by answering a few questions daily and sharing your referral link.

I found doing such things to be incredibly easy for me as a freelance researcher, and if you are like me, you too won't find the SMM platform to be boring at all. If you join me today, I will be your personal success coach to show you how to get more down lines who will keep growing in numbers so you can keep enjoying bigger residual income!

If you consider the need to join a platform that is totally free but pays you every day for your daily participation in market researches to boost product knowledge and contribute to market expansion and business growth, then the SMM platform is the right residual income earning platform for you to join risk-free today and you get paid to your credit card directly for all your voiced opinions! Your voice counts on the SMM platform.

This platform requires only two types of commitment with the first being to invite others with your referral link and the second being to contribute to product knowledge by responding to voluntary market research participation requests daily.

You think you have heard enough of what you need to know about this platform and have made the decision to join it, then why waste another minute to register? To join this third platform all you have to do is a single click here to submit your personal details and set up your account to generate your personal SMM platform referral link.

With your generated referral link, you earn residual income from each lead you generate to make a contribution to at least one market research on the SMM platform. For more details on what earning residual income on the SMM platform looks like read further on How to Earn $2 - $7 Every 15 Seconds.

Now you have all the three platforms I promised to share with you! 

Good luck on any choice you make and rest assured you have nothing to lose for any choice you make with commitment! So choose and get commitment today!
To your career success!

Kind Regards,
Francis Bestman Isugu
Career Success Coach For Residual Income Earners!
P: +2349060641622

P.S. If you join me today, I will be your personal success coach to show you how to get more down lines who will keep growing in numbers so you can keep enjoying bigger residual income

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