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Saturday, 8 October 2016

How to know what you too can start selling today

Your sales portfolio is growing and so too will your pay be growing from all corners

You want to know what you can sell on empowr, the answer is not farfetched, just take a look at all the items sold by Brian Tracy and you will know what you too can start selling today.

Remember, there is no money online if you don’t sell anything online. So the answer to “what can you sell online?” is in what Brian Tracy talks about selling saying,  

“I have sold mutual funds and other investments. I have sold residential real estate, and real estate syndications, and industrial and commercial real estate. I have developed and leased millions of dollars’ worth of office buildings and shopping centers.

I have sold printing supplies and advertising, office supplies and typewriters, memberships in discount clubs, Bibles and encyclopedias, door to door. I have sold cars and construction materials. I have sold seminars, consulting and training services.

I have done sales consulting and designed sales training programs for dozens of industries, from A to Z, from airlines to zoological supplies, and almost everything in between.”

And how can you sell all or any of these without creating a single product of your own?

You don’t have to worry about the money to develop your own product; the people who develop any product will be willing to pay you, if you pitch to help them sell their products.

They will not only pay you, but will provide you the support you need to make their products known. So why not start looking around for some of the listed products sold by Brian Tracy which you too can sell.

Once you know the owners of the products, go to them and offer to be a salesperson for them. Tell them how you will make the sales and how much it would cost you to put into your sales promotion.

Tell them to give it a try with only one of their most valuable product which they wish could be sold faster and in larger quantities.

They will start drawing out lists of locations and store points where you can refer your customers, then next thing would be for you to take a photo of the products you want to sell and ask the owners for description of all its features, then you make out your list of benefits, while discussing with them.

At the end, mention how much your customer can buy them and how your customer should go about the process of ordering for them. Then upload this information on empowr list, and there you go, on autopilot, sales start happening and the product’s owner starts releasing more products for you to sell.

After successfully selling a product, you start building a sales portfolio that you will become the home word on the mouth of every product owner around you by referral.

Soon you will be in hot demand, as a salesperson, and clients will start contacting you to help them sell products you have never sold before.

This way, your sales portfolio is growing and so too will your pay be growing from all corners, and then, while you sell, you still make profits on empowr.

Have you ever thought of this? Share your thought with me. Make others benefit from this idea, by sharing this post, if you like the idea I have presented here. 

To your sales career success,
Francis B. Isugu
Advanced Selling Strategies Success Coach

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