. Become like those who make millions of dollars from their sales
It’s easy to become a millionaire in sales by selling where people are buying, and by owning the products you sell.
Sales Career Success is not what someone makes happen for you but what you make happen for yourself when you want it to happen.
If you give your time to improving
your sales results, you will see the results improve in real time. Give thought
to how you want to do this at this time.
You may have
been in my shoes where I wanted to start an e-commerce business and become like
those who make millions of dollars from their sales on selected e-commerce
platforms like Shopify. It is really turning many salespeople into early
millionaires when they create their online stores and start selling.
I thought at
first that in one of those years now past I would have made my own million dollars
from e-commerce business, but I did not take the step that would have made it
possible to make such dollars.
Something was always between me and my desires,
And that was the lack of consistent thought to motivate me to take the action of paying for my own
store front setup cost.

I have seen it’s easy to
become a millionaire in sales by selling where people are buying, and by owning
the products you sell.
People who use Shopify as their sales funnel for e-commerce mostly
turn millionaires in less than one year, but I am not one of them.
I am one person
who hardly concentrates on one process and it has been the reason a lot of my goals have not
been achieved. But now I know my failure to achieve sales results in the past was because I was always thinking of doing different things; which didn't allow me to sustain my focus on a result-dedicated single process.
I have not been focused on sales career success until now.

At when I
published my first four books, I did not sell them because selling was not on my mind, I only wanted to build a writing portfolio, not to make money from my book sale, so I failed to think of doing a book launch or starting a book event for even a single copy of my books.
My marketing consultant kept cold calling me from the publishing company, but I kept giving excuses, until now I can't boast of a single sale of my own book, products of my own mind and craft of my own writing talent. Years have gone bye, but no sales result to show, and I know it was a mistake not to be repeated again.
If you don't Think of Sales Career Success, You Won't Succeed In Selling Even Your Own Product
I kept writing and
publishing, yet never selling the books, so I also did not actualize my dream
of becoming a bestseller. Today, when I count my books in online stores, I see
how far I have been running away from my dream of becoming a best seller because I failed to think of sales career success as a writer.

Don't be like me, don't separate your dream from your sales career. Think of sales career success, and you will start living your dream, because every dream involves selling, and so no matter your dream you will need sales career success to think about always.

Take your millionaire action step of creating an e-store for selling your dream products, begin with this store creation point for How To Sell Your Dream Product with a Shopify e-commerce Store
Dreams are no more than thoughts.
You think of becoming one thing, but just one-time thinking
is not enough to make you that thing. You have to keep thinking of what you are doing to become that
And when you are not doing anything, you have to think even of why you
are not doing what your dream depends upon, then think of when to start doing it.

At the end of
the day, you see your thought becoming actions that shape your life. Shopify is a good platform for taking actions that will enhance your sales career success. I discovered it not quite long.

If this coaching program finds you ambitious, then
this is time to start thinking of how successful you want your sales career to be.
Think in terms of quality lifestyle as a salesperson
You can be sure Brian Tracy was himself a good thinker who made his sales career success the focus of his thought every day, and the quality of his lifestyle, as a successful sales professional, must have inspired him to say that,
“The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life. If you improve the quality of your thinking, in any area, you will improve the quality of your life in that area.”
Now the area I
want you to improve the quality of your thinking is in your sales career. The
quality of your sales results, in terms of percentages and commissions, will
certainly see a significant improvement in indices, if you improve the quality of your
thought on becoming a successful salesperson.
My recommendation of using Shopify to start selling your dream products is because I have seen it work for people whose stories if retold here would make this article longer than it already is. But you can prepare for your own sales career success story by thinking of selling your products faster, easier and better when you create your own Shopify online store today.
To improve the
quality of your thought, as a salesperson, stay poised for more lessons on the
advanced selling strategies right here in this blog, as every new post will cover a new practical area of focus and recommendation for your sales career success.
So far, this has been the longest article of this series and I appreciate your patience for reading this much.
But one more point to note before you go...
Know that you have to use your mind to reflect on all the lessons you learn daily from the daily posts updated on this blog. And you have to take the actions recommended as a hard fast rule to enhance your sales career success.
The way you use your mind determines your ability to think in the
direction that produces good results, as Brian Tracy noted,
“By using your mind, your ability to think, you take charge of your life and determine your own destiny. You move from being powerless to being powerful. You determine everything that happens to you by the way you think about it, in advance. You may not be what you think you are, but what you think, you are!”

Have a clear picture of where you see yourself in your sales career progress for personal excellence and sales success in the next six months.
If you don’t have this mental image of your sales success, you will never
achieve sales success. So do this activity now.
Where do you see your sales
results in the next six months? Take note of it and start working towards it. If, like me, you see yourself making millions of dollars profit in sales, then create a Shopify online store and start selling your dream products to make that happen real fast!
Remember, time
is a treasure you can never recover once wasted, I have wasted time in the past
by thinking without acting, you shouldn’t make the same mistake of wasting
Start acting on what you think. If you think e-commerce sales can work for
you, why not start now to give it a try.

See you in the next
post for more tips on what successful salespeople do with their time.
Memory Quote:
come to this world empty handed and we leave this world empty handed after the
most precious treasure of all is exhausted, and that is TIME. We do not take to
our grave any material wealth. Time is our most precious treasure because it is
LIMITED. We can produce more wealth, but we cannot produce more time. When we
give someone out time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will
never take back. Our time is our life!
To your sales
career success!
Francis Bestman
Advanced Selling
Strategies Success Coach
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