How True Is It That Selling is more psychological than anything else?
Knowing what it takes for you to be one of the best in your business that have been ever known

To buttress this point, Brain Tracy noted that,

which he explains further saying,
“This concept states that “small differences in ability can translate into enormous differences in results.”
Going further to explain the foregoing, Brian Added that

You now get the full picture of what he is trying to make you understand about the psychology of selling in this allegory which he added saying,
“If a racehorse comes in first, even by a nose, it wins ten times the prize money of the horse that comes in second. Does this mean that the horse that wins by a nose is ten times faster than the horse that comes in second? Of course not! Is the horse that wins by a nose twice as fast, or 50% faster, or even 10 percent faster? The horse that wins is only a nose faster, but that translates into ten times the prize money.”
Assuming this allegory still isn’t clear, his addendum shades a brighter light alluding to what he earlier called the “wining edge concept” as he stated,
“By the same token, the salesperson who gets the sale for himself and his company gets 100 per cent of the business and 100 percent of the commission. Does this mean that his product is 100 percent better than that of the competitions, or 100 percent cheaper? Of course not!
His product may not even be as good and it may cost more than that of his competitor, but the top salesman gets the sale nonetheless. The person who gets the sale is, in most cases, not a lot better than the person who loses the sale. He or she merely has the winning edge, but that’s all it takes to get 100 percent of the business.”
Now you have understood the winning edge concept, it is time to think about how this can do a lot of good to your sales when reflected upon and applied considerably.

It is time to do something different from what you have always done. If you keep doing what you have always done; which have not been closing the sale, you will keep losing the winning edge.
You can have your winning edge by changing the things you have been doing, knowing the things your competitions have been doing; which you have not been doing, and then trying to do what you have learnt from your competitions, and doing it better than your competitions ever did.

Learning is the key, and practice is the act of using that key.
Use the right key and the door of sales success will open unto you.
The right key is right here in the advanced selling strategies. Stay poised for more updates on this subject in the next post.
To your sales career success,
Francis Bestman Isugu.
Advanced Selling Strategies Success Coach
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