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Wednesday, 12 October 2016

How to be great at selling by Having the right attitude of greatness

You want to be great at selling; do you have the right attitude of greatness? 

    "Developing this attitude of unshakable self-confidence and enthusiasm, no matter what is going on around you, is your passport to greatness in selling.” -- Brian Tracy (Read for more details, inside)

    Brian Tracy explains this attitude as it relates to the 80/20 rule when applied to the individual salespeople as it is to sales forces saying,

“Fully 80 percent of your success as a salesperson will be determined by your attitude and only 20 percent by your aptitude.”

You want sales career success but you put up the attitude of failures, isn’t that why you aren’t as successful as you want to be? 

You will have to put up the attitude of the successful in order to be a successful salesperson.

Remember that selling takes place every day. Every time you speak with a person about what you consider good or beneficial for the person to learn, know or act upon, whether for a profit or not to you, you are involved in selling.

Selling is the act of persuading another person to believe something about you, about somebody or about something because they need to respond in a certain way based on their belief. 

You want to get a desired response from the person, so you have to sell your idea in the very persuasive words you use in conversation.

Use of words in selling could be in written or spoken forms. Whichever way you use words to sell, you don’t want to always fail. 

You want to start succeeding at selling

Now think of how successful you will become when you always get people to respond to your sales communication.

If you earn sales commissions on every response to your sales presentation, you can see how rapidly your earning from sales commissions will grow when you succeed at selling every time you enter into a conversation with anyone. 

So, having the right attitude is what makes that success at selling possible every time. Brian explains how the right attitude relates to sales success saying,

“A positive mental attitude, or a constructive and optimistic way of looking at yourself and your work, goes hand in hand with sales success in every field and in every market. Developing this attitude of unshakable self-confidence and enthusiasm, no matter what is going on around you, is your passport to greatness in selling.”

Apply this idea in your own environment, you are currently not selling anything, and you are just thinking of starting a business that will guarantee that you earn from sales percentages every day, rather than not having money to foot your bills. 

You don’t have to worry about academic qualifications at this point. You don’t even have to worry about sales experience either. 

You only have to consider developing the attitude of a successful salesperson.

Probably you have never sold a single product before that earned you sales commission, but you want to start selling something now. Fine and good. Where do you start from? 

Start from yourself. Before even you start studying the different products to take to the market, before worrying about sourcing for the products, and before worrying about targeting the customers, even before worrying about your marketing plan, first take a look at yourself!

Are you confident in your ability to sell anything? You better be, otherwise you cannot close a single sale. 

To build confidence, you don’t even have to start practicing how to sell or becoming an apprentice at selling. No. Just cast your mind back to the past at different times when you made people do things they had not intended to do, by persuading them to speak or act in a way you wanted them to.

Can you see how easy it was for them to change their minds because of you? Selling involves much of the same thing. So selling is nothing strange. 

Believe you have persuaded someone before to do something you wanted done, apply that same confidence of persuasion now that you want to start selling actively to build a successful sales career.

Believe in your ability to do same to every prospect and you will see the results in terms of sales percentages that exceed your expectations, even on your first day at selling. 

The more confident you are in the act of selling, the more sales percentages you will win. 

Keep winning more by being more confident in your ability to sell by persuasion. 

Stay poised for more insights into the psychology of selling in the next post.

Memory Quote
We can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them.

To your sales career success!

Francis B. Isugu
Advanced Selling Strategies Success Coach

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